
This site is meant to be a place for interested community members to access information about Education Minnesota/Edina.

Education Minnesota/Edina is the professional organization that represents teachers in Edina. The members of EM/E are the people our community's children work, learn, and grow with every day. While the majority of members are classroom teachers, EM/E also includes nurses, counselors, psychologists, social workers, and physical and occupational therapists. There are over 600 members of EM/E.

We will be updating this site regularly, so please visit again. Edina kids and teachers are worth the investment. Thank you for your support.

--Van Anderson, President of Education Minnesota/Edina

Members In Action

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Next Steps

EM/E’s Governance Board met with the School Board and Superintendent Dressen on May 3 in a session facilitated by Nathan Eklund, author of How Was Your Day at School. The group of about 25 spent an hour and a half opening communication channels and finding common ground through a discussion of our shared values and priorities. Both boards expressed a desire to continue the process with future meetings. The next date has been set for Thursday, May 27, with a focus on the EM/E climate survey results.